23 September 2024

Great satisfaction for four of our most identifiable wines.
Here are the awards won at the China Wine & Spirits Awards.


Our Identity

“Wine, like art, is matter, colour, light, satisfaction of the senses, madness and reason, patient research and endless passion.”
Ermenegildo Giusti

Ermenegildo Giusti is a staunch supporter of vine-growing that respects both the environment and the beautiful surrounding countryside. Quality is the company's top priority, but it also has a strong sense of hospitality and strives to give everyone who visit its estates an experience they will not forget. These qualities are conveyed in every glass of Giusti wines.


Back to our Roots: with a nobility title going back to the 1600, in 2004 Ermenegildo Giusti, Noble of Conegliano, revived an old family tradition and restored from the ashes of time his cultural heritage. Although his father Augusto Giusti, born in Venissieux France, produced and had a living passion for wine, Ermenegildo Giusti started his journey later in life. This journey started with the purchase of two-hectare property where Giusti Wine was to be established. The Italian company Giusti Wine was in fact developed from the original Dal Col vineyard owned by his wife’s family, which dated back to 1945. Although just a small estate with a few hectares of land it was highly renowned for its traditional, quality production of Prosecco, Bianchetta and Verdiso wine. In Italy the company’s full name is Società Agricola Giusti-Dal Col srl. Giusti Wine developed very rapidly. From the first vineyard planted in 2002, today it includes an area of approximative 75 hectares producing white and red wines.

Campagna finanziata ai sensi del reg. ue n. 1308/2013

Campaign financed according to eu reg. no. 1308/2013