23 September 2024

Great satisfaction for four of our most identifiable wines.
Here are the awards won at the China Wine & Spirits Awards.


The Tower

A highly original observation tower is located in the Roland vineyard, home to company headquarters, which was built in 2014 by architect Armando Guizzo.

From the top of the tower, standing 11 metres, is a breath-taking view from the Montello hill down to the Piave River and, on especially clear days, as far as the Prealps and the Dolomites. The corten steel structure acts as a lookout over the vineyards and stands in a small lake. The shape is reminiscent of a ship, symbolising Ermenegildo Giusti’s journey. The lake is home to a colony of goldfish; these fish are very sensitive to chemical agents and their long life is testimony of the sustainability of the surrounding vineyards, which are all cultivated naturally. In the summer the lake is filled with frogs which help restrict the proliferation of insects. The Tower is the focal point of the path which goes through the vineyard. Along it you can stop and rest in the shade of the ancient mulberries, chosen because they are typical of the local farming tradition.


Campagna finanziata ai sensi del reg. ue n. 1308/2013

Campaign financed according to eu reg. no. 1308/2013