23 September 2024

Great satisfaction for four of our most identifiable wines.
Here are the awards won at the China Wine & Spirits Awards.


3 di 3Acquavite


Young but refined grappa

Alcoholic strength: 40% Vol.

Vintage: October 2012.

Distillation process: Continuous steam distillation.

Colour: Traw yellow with glints of old gold.

Aroma: Notes of vanilla mixed with spices, peach and citrus fruit blend with an unsual fragrance of buckwheat.

Flavour: Soft, round body imparting a perceptible light alcoholic effect.

Finish: The splendidly persistent finish is enhanced by hints of hazelnut and dried fruit.

General features: Intense, elegant, suave and complex, Barrique Giusti grappa ages in small oak casks for the necessary time to enrish its bouquet with the distinctive, sweet aroma of the wood. In fact it is here in the casks that its flavour is also enhanced by the magical encounter between the distillate of pure white and red pomaces and the wood. That is the secret that lies behind Barrique Giusti grappa and its distinctive, unmistakeable bouquet.

Serving suggestions: Barrique Giusti Grappa is best served at room temperature (20° C) in a large red wine globet afetr it has been allowed to breathe for a couple of minutes.

Food pairings: Ideal as an accompaniment for pastries, spoon desserts chocolate and a mild cigar, even better if aromatized with vanilla or coffee.

Bottle size: 0,5 L.

Campagna finanziata ai sensi del reg. ue n. 1308/2013

Campaign financed according to eu reg. no. 1308/2013